SPRING is in the air and you know what that means: FLEA MARKET!
Please join us for our Annual Flea Market on May 3rd. 100% of the proceeds benefit the animals at CompAnimals. Everything but the kitchen sink (and sometimes the kitchen sink!). Grilled items will be available to purchase to munch on while you browse our eclectic collection of donated items.
TO DONATE: drop off items Monday-Friday from 9-noon, Saturday and Sunday around 10am up until the day of the event. Email us at info@companimals.org of you need larger items picked up or a special drop-off time.
VENDORS WELCOME! Sell your own stuff – the more the merrier! Yard sale items or if you have a small business to promote – all welcome for $15 a space (bring your own table and shade). Email info@companimals.org for more information or to register.
View our kitties in their “catio” and visit with some of our crowd friendly pups who will be schmoozing with customers. Hope to see you soon!